The Newest Frederick Canning

The newest Frederick Canning was born on March 30, 2013 to Frank and Heather Canning.? His full name is Sawyer Frederick Canning, which can either be pronounced as “Soy-er” or “Saw-yer”.? His siblings tend to stick to the “Soy” pronunciation.



3 thoughts on “The Newest Frederick Canning”

  1. Happy birthday Art. I have been thinking about you all month. My heart still aches when I think about you. And when we sing How Great Thou Art in church. And so many other little things. Maybe one positive thing about getting older, is that the gap until we can catch up again is inevitably shrinking!
    Sending love to all the Canning clans, from Kara (still in Chicago, and still think of you every time we pass near Ytown)

  2. Kara,

    It was nice hearing from you. I admire your faith and courage as you dealt with your sking injury. The years sure fly by. How many kids do you have? What are you doing in Chicago? My nephew lives there. It is quite a place. How did you end up there? Where is your husband from?

    Art was blessed to have many wonderful Christian friends. The love and support he received represents what Christ expects from all of us. James has it right when it comes to the issues of trials in our lives and putting our faith into action. God Bless”’

    Yours in Christ,

    Fred Canning

  3. Frank and Heather, Congratulations on another addition!! I still miss Art tremendously, but I also miss you guys and think of your families often. I’d love to reconnect at some point. Please tell your parents and brother hello from me as well!
    I still live in Chicago but we visit OH often. The last few yrs we’ve also done the drive from OH to Philly with our kids, and I can’t pass the 76/80 exchange without thinking of your family every time. So many memories of all the trips back and forth to Philly in the A-team van. 🙂 Congrats again on Sawyer and hope to hear more from you guys soon! kara

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